EJS Project Code of Conduct

EJS Project Code of Conduct

Table of Contents

The following is a list of expectations and responsibilities to guide participant behavior and create a safe and inclusive environment at EJS. Parents/guardians should promote cooperation and agreement between the home and EJS in an attempt to develop citizenship and high standards of behavior in our students.

EJS Responsibilities

The welfare and safety of students is the prime consideration and responsibility of EJS Teen Center. EJS board, staff, and volunteers are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and accepting environment for every student who walks through our doors.

EJS does not permit discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, economic status, age, disability or sexual orientation. Harassment is defined as intimidation by threats of or actual physical violence; the creation, by whatever means, of a climate of hostility or intimidation; or the use of language, conduct, or symbols in such a manner as to be commonly understood to convey hatred, contempt, or prejudice, or to have the effect of insulting or stigmatizing an individual

Participant Responsibilities

EJS is open to students in grades eight (8) through twelve (12).

Every student is required to complete a new Student Registration Form, which must be signed by both the student and his/her parent/guardian. Information on the form is entered into the EJS database, which allows EJS staff to track participation and have access to emergency contact information for each student. Students and parents/guardians are also required to read and sign off on the expectations and responsibilities listed below

  • Participants shall be courteous and respectful of staff, volunteers, and fellow participants at all times.
  • Participants shall obey general facility rules.
  • Participants shall show respect for EJS property and personal property of others.


Students are responsible for their own belongings and are expected to keep track of anything they bring to EJS.

Bullying, Violence, or Threatening Behavior

Bullying, violence, or threatening behavior, including but not limited to fighting, hazing, assault, battery, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexting, and involuntary sexual advances, will not be tolerated at EJS. If a participant becomes aware of any potentially dangerous and or illegal situations regarding weapons, drugs, alcohol, fights, property damage, theft, etc., or has information regarding such, they are expected to report it to an EJS staff member. Each participant’s parents/guardians will also be contacted, and school officials notified.

Check-In and Check-Out

All students are required to check in and out at the Welcome Desk as soon as they arrive at EJS.

This serves three purposes:

  • Parents/guardians, school officials, and EJS staff will be able to track when students arrive to EJS;
  • EJS staff will know how many people are in the building at any time; and
  • Students have the ability to check in again if they need to return to their schools for afterschool activities.

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to set guidelines with students regarding whether or not they are allowed to leave EJS during open hours.

It should be noted that EJS staff will prohibit students from leaving EJS without being picked up by a parent/guardian in the event of bad weather, or if they deem safety conditions to be hazardous.

Computer Access

Use of EJS Chromebooks, I pad requires that students only access appropriate sites.  When asked to leave a site, students must immediately do so. Computers will always be given to students that require them for schoolwork before any other students can use them. Failure to comply with computer policies will result in the loss of computer privileges at EJS.

Concealed Weapons

Anyone with a weapon, including concealed weapons, will not be allowed into the center, including adults. A dangerous weapon is a gun, knife, razor, or any other object, which, by the manner it is used or intended to be used, is capable of inflicting bodily harm. In cases that clearly a gun or any weapon is used in a threatening manner, the police will be called and the individual will be subject to immediate disciplinary procedures including permanent expulsion from the center.

Dress Code

Dress appropriately.

Emergency Preparedness Drills

Quarterly, EJS staff members will lead students through emergency preparedness drills to ensure all participants in EJS programming are aware of what to do during a variety of emergency situations (fire, tornado, active shooter, etc.).

Food and Drinks

Students are permitted to bring outside food and drinks into the teen center, or to purchase snacks and beverages from our cafe for a small fee. We also provide a variety of healthy snack options for free as often as possible.


All forms of gambling are prohibited within EJS.

Illegal Substances

Use of or possession of any illegal substance, including drugs and alcohol, at EJS or at any EJS sponsored activity is grounds for immediate suspension. If a student is caught using or in possession of an illegal substance,

The student’s parent/guardian will also be contacted, and school officials notified. These measures are in addition to any discipline implemented by EJS staff, up to and including expulsion. Additionally, any student who appears to be under the influence of an illegal substance when arriving at EJS may face disciplinary actions up to and including suspension/expulsion, and parents/guardians will be contacted.


MUSIC: EJS has subscriptions to music services to play over the teen center loudspeaker. With permission of EJS staff, students may choose songs from the approved playlists.

MOVIES: Any movies played at EJS will be rated G, PG, or PG-13. Unless EJS Staff give permission to do otherwise.

Parent Pick-Up/Closing Time

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to arrange for your child’s transportation home from EJS Students must leave the EJS facility when staff departs at 6 pm. If you have an issue, please contact Marcus.darrisaw@ejsproject.org to discuss possible arrangements.


Students are not permitted to take, look at, or share inappropriate photos.


Students are expected to show respect to others through both their actions and words. Students are asked to refrain from using profanity. Students will be warned several times to stop using profanity before a punishment occurs.

Public Displays of Affection

Appropriate personal relationships are encouraged. However, public displays of affection (PDA) are discouraged. Hand-holding is acceptable, but sitting on another’s lap, kissing, and inappropriate touching are not acceptable.


Any student who believes he/she is the victim of theft should report missing items to EJS staff as soon as possible. Theft is a serious violation of the law, and the Delray Beach Police Department may be notified.

Transportation of Students

Transport of EJS participants by EJS staff will only happen for officially sanctioned teen center events. Students being transported by EJS staff must have an additional signed permission slip specifically, for transport to that event only.


Damaging EJS Teen Center property or the property of others will not be tolerated. All incidents will be documented by EJS staff to keep a record of such behavior. Parents/guardians may be liable to pay for damages.

Violations of EJS Code of Conduct

Violations of these policies will be dealt with and investigated on a case-by-case basis. Parents/guardians and/or police will be called in the event of serious violations.

Violations of the Expectations and Responsibilities will be written up and kept on file. In addition, violations shall be handled as follows:

  • Violation #1: Verbal Warning. The student will receive a verbal warning from an EJS staff member.
  • Violation #2: Written Warning. Staff will communicate the specific violation to the student and parent if appropriate. The violation will be written up on an EJS Incident Report Form. The student must also complete one (1) hour of community service at EJS. 
  • Violation #3: Suspension. The student will be written up again and will be suspended from EJS for a period of time designated by EJS staff. EJS staff will communicate the incident and suspension to the student’s parent/guardian. In the event of a suspension, a scheduled meeting with the student, parent/guardian, and EJS staff may be required prior to the student’s return to EJS.
  • Violation #4: Expulsion. The student will be banned from EJS and all EJS-sponsored events.

EJS Project retains the right to change or amend these policies and procedures at their discretion. These policies were written with our patrons’ safety in mind. EJS Project is meant to be a fun, safe place for participants to come. Please respect all staff and other participants by following the rules.

Registration Form

Rules Contract

All participants will be expected to comply with the following rules while at EJS Project:

  1. Check in when you arrive, check out when you leave. You need to bring your card each and every day!
  2. If you lose your card, notify staff immediately.
  3. Respect and listen to EJS Project Staff.
  4. Swearing and “putdowns” are NOT tolerated.
  5. If you have a disagreement with another participant – TALK it out. Staff is here to help.
  6. Keep your hands off of other people’s property (backpacks included).
  7. Respect all of the equipment. Only use it for its intended use.
  8. If you take it out…put it back (this includes games, sports equipment, and any other facility supplies).
  9. Roughhousing and wrestling are not allowed.
  10. Do not climb on tables, chairs, or other furniture.
  11. Throwing pool sticks, game pieces or anything else is unacceptable.
  12. Bikes must be locked to bike racks and skateboards must be stored in designated areas.
  13. Help clean up any activity in which you participate.
  14. If you break it…you buy it. Participants are responsible for all equipment checked out.
  15. If something is broken, please tell staff immediately.
  16. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
  17. EJS Project is a tobacco, drug, and alcohol free zone.
  18. EJS Project is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  19. Help keep EJS Project a safe and fun place to be for everyone.
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