What We Do

What We Do

The EJS Project acknowledges systemic disadvantages and the barriers it has created in our community. EJS is dedicated to teaching truth, challenging systems, and fighting for its youth’s access to opportunities.

Our Programs

At the EJS Project, we believe if we focus on our youth’s strengths we can empower them to write their own narrative. We believe our teens deserve equity of opportunity and that strong, supportive relationships promote change in individuals, organizations, and systems. The EJS Project acknowledges racial discrimination and the barriers it has created in communities of color. We are dedicated to teaching truth, challenging systems, and fighting for our youth’s access to opportunity. It is our aim to surround our youth with as many positive and forward-thinking adults as possible.

"Together we can do extraordinary things."

Emanuel "Dupree" Jackson, Jr.
Founder and Executive Director

Learn More About our Programs

'Bout Dat Action

We keep youth connected to broader county-wide initiatives when youth voices and participation are needed, include students in organizational planning committees, & participate in community service projects to help build leadership and civic engagement.

Project Hub

Our after school safe space is open to all enrolled students between 2:00 pm – 6:30 pm.

Purpose Pays

This internship program, funded by the Community Foundation, provides summer work experience for youth ages 15 to 18.

E1T1 (Each One, Teach One)

This tutoring and mentorship program supports students struggling academically, socially, and mentally by providing one-on-one support through coursework, social activities, and free mental health services.

Restorative Practices

The EJS Project utilizes Restorative Practices in all aspects of its programming. Restorative practices are multifaceted in nature. Roots are grounded in traditional practices of indigenous cultures around the world that emphasize the values of respect, compassion, dignity, and inclusion of participant voices.

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